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Visual Inspection Lab

Nikon SMZ1000, SCHOT ACE®I

The optical microscope provides convenience and clarity for visual inspection.  Designed for comfortable use, it features an adjustable height and inclination stage, adjustable binocular eyepieces, and convenient focus controls. The optical microscope has magnification ranging from ×0.8 to ×8, providing quick and simple Visual inspection.


MikroPrecision Instruments (X-Y Stage)

The Optical microscope has magnification ranging from 10x to 40x, providing excellent resolution for contact photolithographic, and gives ability to make sample distance measurements with the X-Y stage system.


Carl Zeiss Axiotron Microscope

The Carl Zeiss Optical provides convenience and clarity with a five-position automatic turret and digital microscope camera attachment.  . The Zeiss Optical microscope has magnification ranging from 10x up to 150x, providing excellent resolution for contact photolithographic


Nikon Obj.x2 Microscope

The Nikon Optical features an adjustable height and inclination phototube, adjustable width, stereo binocular eyepieces, and convenient placement of stage with added clip for securing the sample. With 2x magnification for the soldering process of electrical components (SMD, through hole, etc..) . On/Off power knob , controlling light source.


​Jerusalem College of Technology

21 Havaad Haleumi St

Jerusalem 9116001, Israel​​

Tel: +972-2-6751140


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