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Torah & Science Publications

1. A. Karsenty,

"Fibonacci Numbers in the Talmud",
19th Conference of Torah and Science,
Plenary morning session, Bar-Ilan University,
Faculty of Engineering, 02 April 2012.




2. A. Karsenty, "Fibonacci: Esthétique ou est-ce Ethique? - La chirurgie plastique: D’une histoire du Talmud jusqu’à la Halacha", Premier Colloque Universitaire Franco-Israélien, Pensée juive et révolution scientifique: Une confrontation moderne, Institut Elie Wiesel, Paris, France, 13 May 2012.


3. A.Karsenty, "Golden Ratio and Fibonacci Numbers’ Usage in the Talmud and Halacha: The Border between Aesthetics and Ethics!", 20th Conference of Torah and Science, Yeshiva University, Jerusalem, Israel, 04-Apr-2013.


4. A. Karsenty, "The Source of Aesthetics and Fibonacci Numbers in Talmud’s Tales", BDD Journal of Torah and Scholarship, Vol. 28, pp. 57-73, December 2013. 


5. A. Karsenty, "Fibonacci Sequence Usage to forecast diverse Population Growth Rates", BDD Journal of Torah and Scholarship, Vol. 31, pp. 81-95, October 2016.


6. R. Mann, A. Karsenty, “Between the 39 Labors of Shabbat and the 39 TRIZ principles: A Masterpiece of Creativity”, 24th Conference of Torah & Science Proceedings, Lev Academic Center, April 5, 2017.

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