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Fiber Optics Lab

Burleigh WA-7100 Multi Wavelength Meter

Multi-line wavemeter optical channel analyzer, up to 256 simultaneous channels, range 1270 to 1680nm, display resolution 0.001nm, optical input 9/125um fiber, guaranteed accuracy of 1.5pm, individual peak and total optical power measurement, auto calculation of OSNR and channel spacing


JDS Uniphase ED10E Electrical Error Detector 
PG10E Pulse Pattern Generator

The ED10E Error Detector / PG10E Pulse Pattern Generator offers waveforms operating frequency range up to 10 Gbps. (Bit error rate)


ThorLabs Led Diode Controllers

500mA / 2A


Hp 8169A Polarization Controller

The 8169A Polarization Controller, with single-mode fiber input and output, is used to change the light from any polarized or unpolarized light source into any well-defined state of polarization. The design based on bulk-optic zero-order waveplates and a high-performance linear polarizer at the input provides optimum determination and repeatability of polarization states over a wide wavelength range


Opcom Singlemode Fiber Optic Simulator

95Km Fiber Optic Network Simulator



ThorLabs CLD1011

Compact Laser Diode/Temperature Controller with TO Can Mount for Pin Codes B, C, and H


​Jerusalem College of Technology

21 Havaad Haleumi St

Jerusalem 9116001, Israel​​

Tel: +972-2-6751140


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