Selected Interviews & Press (English)
1. "Tiny Particles, Massive Potential -1",
Mishpacha Magazine, Issue 439, December 19, 2012, pp. 60-68.
Interview on Nanotechnology.
2. "Tiny Particles, Massive Potential - 2",
JCT Perspective, Spring 5773/2013, Vol. 17, pp. 11-14.
Interview on Nanotechnology.
3. "To Learn, to Excel, to Contribute",
JCT Perspective, Fall 5776/2015, Vol. 19, pp. 8.
Interview on HaEytanim - The Personal Empowerment Excellence Program.
4. "New Prestigious Laboratories for JCT’s Electro-Optics Faculty",
JCT Perspective, Fall 5776/2015, Vol. 19, pp. 19.
Interview on Physics/Electro-Optics Engineering labs’ renewing.
5. "JCT Hosts Physics Olympics",
JCT Perspective, Fall 5776/2015, Vol. 19, pp. 19.
Interview on National Competition in Physics with the Physics/Electro-Optics Engineering Department.

Selected Interviews & Press (Hebrew)
בשבע, 7.7.2023

מצב הרוח, 16.11.2023

שביעי, 22.1.2015