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Electrical Characterization Lab

I-V / C-V Probe Station

Dark Box Probe Station, XYZ Manipulators, adjustable semi automatic stage, with Alessi LY1 Laser Cutting system , Agillent HP4155B Semiconductor Parametric Analyzer


Lock-In-Amplifier (LIA)

A lock-in amplifier is a type of amplifier that can extract a signal with a known carrier wave from an extremely noisy environment. Depending on the dynamic reserve of the instrument, signals up to a million times smaller than noise components, potentially fairly close by in frequency, can still be reliably detected


HP4155B Semiconductor Parametrical Analyzer

The Semiconductor Parameter Analyzer can be used to apply test signals (voltages or currents) to one or more nodes of a circuit, then measure the voltages and currents at other nodes in the circuit. It can sweep a test voltage across hundreds of values in a matter of seconds.

It offers 4 built-in source/measurement units (SMUs), 2 voltage source units (VSUs), and two voltage monitor units (VMUs).


Alessi 4-points Probe Station

Parameters such as film thickness, sheet resistance, and bulk  resistivity can be evaluated using the Four-Point Probe.


Digital Oscilloscopes

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Programmable DC current source

The Model 121 programmable DC current source is a precision instrument suitable for bench-top use or panel-mounted operation in labs, test facilities, and manufacturing environments. It provides a low-noise, highly stable source of current up to 100 mA, with convenient manual selection through 13 pre-set output levels, each representing a ten-fold change in power when attached to a resistive load. A “user” setting allows the current output to be defined anywhere within the operating range of the unit, from 100 nA to 100 mA

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