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Optical modulator for data processing

SOIPAM (Silicon-On-Insulator Photo-Activated Modulator) is an electro-optical modulator for use in data processing. The data flow in SOIPAM is electronic, while the modulation is optic. Since the external voltage applied to the device is constant and no RC related delay is generated, faster operation rates are anticipated. This novel device serves as a building block for silicon-based optical processors that can be manufactured using typical microelectronics fabrication processes.


A. Zev, A. Chelly, A. Karsenty, Z. Zalevsky, "Development, Simulation and Characterization of Nanoscale Silicon On Insulator Photo-Activated Modulator (SOIPAM) Hybrid Device", 2015 International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics (OMN) Proceedings, IEEE Photonics Society, Jerusalem, Israel, 2-6 Aug. 2015. doi:

A. Zev, A. Karsenty, A. Chelly, Z. Zalevsky, “Nanoscale Silicon-On-Insulator Photo-Activated Modulator Building Block for Optical Communication”, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 28(5), 569-572, 2016. doi:

D. Glukhov, Z. Zalevsky, A. Karsenty, “Picosecond Pulsed Laser Illumination: An Ultimate Solution for Photonic vs. Thermal Processes’ Contest in SOI Photo-Activated Modulator”, Nature Scientific Reports 12, 1547 (2022). doi:

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