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Enhanced Hall effect amplifier

EHAND (Enhanced Hall Amplifier Nanoscale Device) is an upgrade to the earlier HAND, which required several improvements in advance of future fabrication. One of these was enabling an increase of the applied magnetic field to higher values while preventing undesirable overheating of the device. Several approaches were taken toward this end, including changes to the material composition, device geometry, and other physical parameters of the HAND. A renewed mathematical description of the device’s behavior in DC conditions was developed, as well as thorough analytical models for the classical Hall effect, to accurately forecast the characteristics of the EHAND. This improved device, combining high frequency operation, amplification, the Hall effect, and nanoscale dimensions, is capable of revolutionizing microelectronic circuitry.



Jerusalem College of Technology

21 Havaad Haleumi St

Jerusalem 9116001, Israel

Tel: +972-2-6751140

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