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Asymmetric quantum well structure

GaAs/GaAlAs/GaAs Asymmetric Quantum Wells (AQW) serving as the basis for advanced electro-optical devices have shown multiple advantages in the domain of inter-sub-band transitions. ALEO’s new approach enables the creation and modulation of self-induced electrical fields as a function of the varying dopant concentration in the structure. We have performed numerical and analytical analyses towards these structures’ future integration in advanced devices.


A. Khakshoor, J. Belhassen, M. Bendayan, A. Karsenty, “Doping Modulation of Self-Induced Electric Field (SIEF) in Asymmetric GaAs/GaAlAs/GaAs Quantum Wells”, Results in Physics 32 (2022) 105093. doi:

M. Bendayan, J. Belhassen, A. Karsenty, “Modulated Photoluminescence Low Temperature Measurements with Controlled Self-Induced Electric Field (SIEF) in Asymmetric GaAs/GaAlAs/GaAs Quantum Wells”, Journal of Luminescence 250 (2022), 119109. doi:

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