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2π Ambiguity

2π ambiguity solutions

Phase measurements obtained by high-coherence interferometry are restricted by the 2π ambiguity to height differences smaller than λ/2. A further restriction considers linear and nonlinear aberrations evolving in most interferometric systems due to the CCD-type array detectors. We present a new method to overcome the 2π ambiguity in interferometry when using a stereoscopic approach. In this method, a reconstructed wavefront reflected from an object was propagated to two different angles to obtain two different images of the object. These two different images were subsequently processed by stereo algorithms to resolve the 2π ambiguity. Such method of wavefront propagation may enable several applications such as focusing and resolving the 2π ambiguity.


A. Karsenty, Y. Lichtenstadt, S. Naeim, Y. Arieli, “Improving Interferometry Instrumentation by Mixing Stereoscopy for 2π Ambiguity Solving”, International Journal of Measurement Technologies and Instrumentation Engineering (IJMTIE) 6(2), 43-55, 2017. doi:

A. Karsenty, E. Novoselski, A. Yifrach, E. Lanzmann and Y. Arieli, “Manipulations of Wavefront Propagation: Useful Methods and Applications for Interferometric Measurements and Scanning”, Scanning, Volume 2017, Article ID 7293905, 7 pages. doi:

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